Collaborating on Data and Cyber Security Webinar 12 May 2021 presentation

May 13th 2021

Collaborating on Data and Cyber Security Webinar 12 May 2021 presentation

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During the Better Security, Better Care Webinar: ‘Collaborating on Data and Cyber Security in Adult Social Care’ the following areas were discussed:

  • The importance of data and cyber security to improving care – Ian Turner, RNHA
  • Data Security and Protection Toolkit and Better Security, Better Care – Michelle Corrigan, Programme Director, Better Security, Better Care
  • Where the Better Security, Better Care programme fits – Alex Harris, NHSX
  • Wider policy – David R5, National Cyber Security Centre
  • Joining Up Care – Jamie Cross, Joining Up Care
  • LA and commissioning practice – Ed Willis, Local Government Association
  • Inspection – David James, Head of Adult Social Care Policy, Care Quality Commission Software suppliers – Taffy Gatawa, CASPA
  • Panel discussion and Q&A
  • Summary – Alex Harris, NHSX

The presentation from the webinar can be downloaded below.

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