
The Digital Care Hub provides free information, guidance and support to enable adult social care providers to make the most of digital technology – and to do it safely.

We are an independent consortium, led by care providers, so we understand the needs and challenges facing the diverse range of organisations in our sector. The consortium consists of key national trade associations representing the diverse range of adult social care providers in England.

We work closely with care providers, technology suppliers, organisations representing people who draw on services and carers, commissioners and regulators.

We work with NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care to inform and influence policy, guidance, and implementation plans.

We changed our name from Digital Social Care to the Digital Care Hub in September 2023.

What we do

Our key roles are to:

  • act as the sector-led consortium supporting adult social care providers to understand and implement digital technologies safely
  • represent care providers’ interests in policy, regulation, funding and tech developments
  • host Better Security, Better Care – the national programme to help care providers with data and cyber security, including completing the Data Security and Protection Toolkit every year. This programme is funded by NHS England.
  • act as the subject matter expert to the Government’s Digitising Social Care programme which is funded by NHS England.

Our materials are open source and free to use. For tips, advice and guides take a look at our resources section.

Our values

We believe that digital innovation gives us the opportunity to:

  • improve the quality of care
  • be transparent and accountable
  • support individuals to remain independent for longer
  • improve the quality and efficiency of information sharing between health and social care.

 Why have we changed from Digital Social Care?

Digital Social Care started in 2019 and has been highly successful in supporting the care sector. But a lot has changed in the digital world since then.

The need for additional support to adult social care providers is growing. As a result, the roles of NHS England and the Digital Social Care consortium have developed – and we have changed our name and brand in recognition of that.

A joint unit of NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care manages the Digitising Social Care programme. The programme aims to transform adult social care through digital innovation and provides official government guidance, information and advice. The programme comes under the national CARE brand and now has its own website – www.beta.digitisingsocial.care.co.uk

The Digital Care Hub (previously Digital Social Care) continues to be independent and provides a strong care provider perspective and we lead on data protection and cyber security.

The programmes complement each other, and we work together very closely to inform each other’s work and avoid duplication. We act as the subject matter expert to the Digitising Social Care programme.

Who we are

The Digital Care Hub consortium consists of key national trade associations representing the diverse range of adult social care providers in England. Many of these organisations are also members of the Care Provider Alliance. The current consortium members are:

 Get involved

We want to build relationships with other local and national representative organisations. We also want to work with care providers who are not members of any trade body.

We also welcome contact from commissioners of adult social care services, whether from local authorities or the NHS.

Please share information about us with the sector.

If you would like to get more involved, contact us to discuss opportunities.

Register for our fortnightly e-newsletter

Connect on social media

Contact our helpdesk with specific questions about going digital, data protection and cyber security.

[email protected] 

Tel 0808 196 4848, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm