Creating and Testing a Business Continuity Plan for Data and Cyber Security

March 9th 2021

Creating and Testing a Business Continuity Plan for Data and Cyber Security

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This is a template for a business continuity plan to cover data and cyber security for your organisation and makes suggestions as to how you can test your plan to see if it will work in practice.

You can download and adapt this template for your organisation.

You must have a form of business continuity plan for data and cyber security in order to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) to Standards Met or Standards Exceeded.

See the related business continuity plan audit tool. This tool helps local authorities and care providers to consider how thoroughly cyber security and data protection issues are addressed as part of a business continuity plan.

Get free support with the DSPT from the Better Security, Better Care programme.

Find more template policies and resources.

This template was published January 2021, Version 1.

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